Digitization and Board of Directors

With the increase in digitization and the strategic importance of these projects, the Board of Directors has an increasingly important role to play. While IT topics used to be on the fringe agenda of a board meeting at most, digitization initiatives are now everywhere. Depending on the importance of the information in the context of the core business or in dealing with regulatory requirements, the board of directors may need to actively address it. This on the one hand as part of its risk management activities, and on the other hand as a task to promote strategic development.

As a normative body, the board of directors has the task not only of keeping an eye on the risks of new technologies, but also of exploring the opportunities and actively bringing them into the company. A digitization strategy should be part of the board agenda in almost every company today. At the same time, the Board of Directors also has a duty to follow up and monitor the implementation of these initiatives. Today, it is no longer enough to delegate these tasks to IT or leave them to management. Given its full accountability, the Board of Directors would do well to actively engage with these initiatives.

How should he do this? Detailed answers and implementation models can be found in our Information Governance Guide, as well as the events and consulting services that the KRM has available, a short introduction as a video or in a slideshow.

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