Records Management Practice Guide

Second edition 2008
Publisher: KRM

The publication records management is aimed at users, consultants, lawyers as well as providers of archiving solutions. It was designed as a Practitioner’s Guide specifically for SMEs that do not have their own legal resources or IT specialists. Likewise, legal services in companies and administration, lawyers or trustees will be able to successfully use this book for their daily work.

The practitioner’s guide is written from the perspective of the user in business and administration who wants to design and implement an adequate document retention process, or who wants to adapt an existing retention process to the current requirements of information compliance. The authors follow a holistic approach that integrates the requirements of organizational theory, IT Audit and law at the same time.

It offers for the first time:

  • a comprehensive overview of the effects of the recent legislative changes in Switzerland’s retention and signature laws ,
  • a presentation of the data protection principles applicable to archived company data in accordance with the Data Protection Act, which was revised as of January 1, 2008,
  • a practical methodology for the implementation of data retention and archiving concepts, considering determining factors from law and IT,
  • proven checklists and samples for practical use.

ISBN 978-3-033-01801-3

Only available second-hand.


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