Who owns e-mails (or what were Mrs. Clinton and Mrs. Leutenegger Oberholzer thinking)?

At first glance, the headlines seem to be primarily politically motivated: Well-known and lesser-known female politicians use private or business mail accounts to communicate in the wrong context. But let’s leave the political level aside and deal with the relevant factual issues.

  • But when is the context wrong?
  • How do your employees know which systems they can use to communicate with which partners?
  • Does your company have a policy on how such communications should occur?
  • What happens to the communication data, is it perhaps archived “forever”?
  • What is private, what is not?
  • In what name is information used? Many of your employees today are overwhelmed by the multitude of communication systems: “Too many tools”!

Do you need to regulate these issues and if so, what else should you think about?


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