Tools, Products & Partners

Below we present our tools, products & partners.


k2 PID Cockpit

Efficient search and identification of personal data (PID) in heterogeneous system environments
New: with starter package to identify your most important needs

“Mastering personal data is a must for the data protection practitioner. The krm not only teaches the theory, but also impressively shows which state-of-the-art tools can be used to locate and delete personal data.”

Dr. Philipp Dannacher

Lawyer in the Legal Service Pharmaceuticals , Swissmedic

The k2PID Cockpit enables efficient searches for personal data and thus responses to enquiries and deletion in accordance with GDPR.

Dr. Sarah Weiss

Data Protection Officer


LINEBACK – Privacy Management Software

With LINEBACK, you manage your GDPR compliance with ease. Systematically and efficiently fulfill all documentation requirements and tasks of the GDPR.

Our goal is, with our bundle of know-how, to provide our customers with a strong and proven tool that saves time and money and helps them to meet the extensive requirements of the GDPR specifications in a simple and transparent way.

Matthias Bantleon

Managing Director of Lineback UG


Customized software solutions

We develop individual solutions for cases where suitable standard software products are not available. For selected areas we use self-developed frameworks / customizable products and thus gain additional efficiency.

Karakun offers comprehensive B2B services ranging from end-to-end development of high-quality software solutions to optimization of software and process landscapes… In addition, Karakun has extensive expertise in text analysis based on linguistic, statistical and AI-based algorithms. The collaboration between krm and Karakun encompasses the development of customized solutions in the areas of enterprise search and intelligent data search based on Karakun’s HIBU platform.

HIBU is a flexible platform for the cost-effective development of customer solutions, especially in the areas of enterprise search, business intelligence and workflow automation.

Dr. Elisabeth Maier

CEO of Karakun AG


PoolParty Semantic Suite

PoolParty Semantic Suite is the most complete and advanced semantic middleware platform on the global market. As a middleware, PoolParty serves as the powerful “glue” between customer databases and applications so that customer knowledge models can continuously evolve in a stable, interconnected environment.

krm is a PoolParty partner and all our consultants are trained and certified by PP as Knowledge Experts.


Microsoft 365 / Purview

krm has been a Microsoft Compliance Partner since 2022.
We support you in the implementation of the Records Management and Data Lifecycle Management functions of M365.

More information:

krm services for Microsoft 365 – Compliance and Records Management

M365 Records Management and IG Functions

Information on Microsoft 365 Purview (Compliance Center)

Microsoft Homepage: Purview – Governance, data protection and compliance solutions for your enterprise data.


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