Data Cleanup Service

What is it about?

Huge amounts of data are generated in the course of digitization. And the volumes of data are growing rapidly. The estimated annual data volume growth in an enterprise is 35% on average. Whereas the management of business-critical data is usually well organized, other data assets lead a wallflower existence (e-mail, cloud data, etc.).

We claim: Data management in companies is in the same state as some flat share refrigerators (à IG video on YouTube): One can assume that up to 80% of all data in the company is either outdated or no longer current.

The total cost of managing this data is usually completely unknown and the legal risks (litigation, disclosure obligations, data loss, data destruction) are significant. Valuable IT resources are tied up in managing redundant data on enterprise IT systems.

  • We take care of your data and show you how to get the data flood under control!
  • Our Data Cleanup shows you your total cost of ownership, implements life-cycle management for your data, and cleans up old data assets.

Flyer Data Cleanup: Service Description, Procedure KRM, Offer and Prices


All about data strategy & information governance

On 16.3. is Digital Cleanup Day

On 16.3. is Digital Cleanup Day

Tidying up is clearly not everyone's cup of tea, but we all know the good feeling that a tidy room, a tidy desk or ... a tidy drive! You can feel proud with a clear conscience, because deleting data also has an important effect on energy consumption. I have calculated...

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